Thursday, October 1, 2015

6 Six Word Sentences

In that moment, she only sighed.

I wish you wouldn't leave again.

Some things will just never change.

This is so far from over.

Sometimes, just think: all or nothing.

I'm too busy, overwhelmed, and tired.


  1. These sentences do evoke some further thought, like the "flash fiction" sentence often attributed often to Hemingway. Here is what I interpret and receive from thinking about these sentences:
    1. There is someone who is tired of something.
    2. Someone wants someone else very much, and that person leaving may harm the person not wanting that person to leave.
    3. Someone is tired of something being constant; they want change.
    4. This person is tired of doing what they're doing, OR they want to continually improve something, causing it to never end.
    5. Someone wants to do something to the maximum or not do it at all.
    6. The "I" is, as said, busy, tired, and overwhelmed of something.
    These all have a similar theme of being tired of something and working on something, so I wonder if you, as the writer, has had something tiring to do to influence you to write these. (Or I could just be the one being tired.)

  2. "I'm too busy, overwhelmed, and tired." reminds me of the life of a typical high school student.

  3. Sentences one and five remind me of someone being exhausted or tired with school work, unfortunate events occurring, loss of a loved one, or something along those lines. Sentence two is something that I would think if I was in a situation where I would just want someone to talk to about my problems and what's bothering me. I can see how someone wouldn't want someone they trusted to leave them. Out of all honesty, sentence four just makes me think of something a girl obsessive of a boy or boyfriend would think. I know it's kind of a basic thought, but it's the first thing that came to my head. Sentence five is my favorite of them all. "All or nothing" is such a common quote, but the way you worded it, with punctuation and all, made me think about it a bit more. It made me think about education and school life and future success or not success.

  4. Sentences one and five remind me of someone being exhausted or tired with school work, unfortunate events occurring, loss of a loved one, or something along those lines. Sentence two is something that I would think if I was in a situation where I would just want someone to talk to about my problems and what's bothering me. I can see how someone wouldn't want someone they trusted to leave them. Out of all honesty, sentence four just makes me think of something a girl obsessive of a boy or boyfriend would think. I know it's kind of a basic thought, but it's the first thing that came to my head. Sentence five is my favorite of them all. "All or nothing" is such a common quote, but the way you worded it, with punctuation and all, made me think about it a bit more. It made me think about education and school life and future success or not success.

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  6. These are all really deep and all connect but at the same time tell their own stories.

  7. I like the first one because it leaves a lot for the reader by just specifying one action that can have different meanings and can result from different situations
