Thursday, September 10, 2015


My name is Sara Woods. I live on the far southwest side of Chicago in Mt. Greenwood with both of my parents and my three younger siblings; a sister named Nora and two brothers named John and Joey. I also have three pets; a dog, a cat, and a turtle. Outside of school, I like to play sports, read, and spend times with friends. When it comes to sports, I would say I am a pretty good athlete, but the sports I'm best at are soccer and volleyball. I played volleyball for six years for my former elementary schools and one year in high school, but last year was my last year because I decided I would rather play soccer. I have been playing soccer since kindergarten, so after this season it will have been about eleven years since I started. Besides playing for our school's team, I also play for an Under-18 travel team. My favorite book is called Looking for Alaska by John Green. I enjoy reading any books that he has written. I also usually like mystery books. When it comes to school, I would have to say that my favorite subject is math because it comes pretty easy to me. My least favorite subject is probably history because I find it kind of boring and it is hard for me to focus in class. 

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